Neighbourhood Support Kawerau

Kawerau from the air looking out to sea. 

Welcome to Neighbourhood Support Kawerau 

Neighbourhood Support works closely with the Police and many other organisations in our community to reduce crime, improve safety and prepare to deal with emergencies and natural disasters.

Our aim is to:

Working to make our homes, streets, and communities a safer, more caring places to live.

Our Vision:

‘safe, supportive and connected communities’

A Neighbourhood Support Group will:

 Encourage neighbours to talk to each other.
 Minimise burglaries and car crime in the local area.
 Share information that will help reduce the risk and fear of crime.
 Educate and empower neighbours to take responsibility for their own safety.
 Support victims of crime.
 Enhance the safety features and appearance of the neighbourhood.  Know when and how to  contact Police, other Emergency Services and Support Agencies, and its free!!!

In an Emergency always dial 111


  'Kawerau Neighbourhood Support Connecting You To A Safer Community'

Starting a Neighbourhood Support Group is as easy as talking to the people on your street. Forming a group is a great way to promote regular communication, support one another and bring people close together.

How to form a group:

  1. Contact your local Neighbourhood Support Coordinator to express your interest to get started.
  2. Your local coordinator will help you to contact people to join your group, organise an initial meeting and identify a Street Contact. Your Street Contact acts as the ongoing liaison with your coordinator.
  3. At the first meeting, your local coordinator or street contact will talk about Neighbourhood Support, distribute information and create a contact list.
  4. Your Street Contact then continues to distribute information to keep you informed.

Community events are a great way to participate in Neighbourhood Support activities, to learn more about what is happening and connect with people living in your neighbourhood. They're also a great way to mix with other Neighbourhood Support Groups to exchange ideas.

There are numerous events you can participate in to help make our community a better place: Neighbours Day Aotearoa, barbeques to meet your neighbours, soup nights, working bees to tidy up the street, school holiday programmes, cultural events, fundraisers and much more.....

If you are one of the original Street Contacts please contact us by using the  form below.   We really would like to hear from you!

       In case of an emergency please dial 111 


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