Coordinator's Korero



    Kia Ora,

 There's strength in numbers. A Neighbourhood Support group brings people together to share information, ideas and create connectedness.



1.   Reach Out

Ø  Talk to your neighbour

Ø  Express an interest in something they are doing


2.   Get involved

Ø  Start a Neighbourhood Support Group

Ø  Help out and assist neighbours where needed


3.   Make a connection with your neighbours

Ø  Get to know your neighbours

Ø  Discuss emergency preparedness


4.   Be considerate to others

Ø  Look out for your neighbours

Ø  Respect your environment – initiate a community street clean up


5.   Be generous

Ø  Share your over-abundant garden

Ø  Encourage neighbours to share skills and resources


6.   Bring neighbours together

Ø  Get involved with 'Neighbours Day Aotearoa'

Ø  Organise a street BBQ


7.   Volunteer in your neighbourhood

Ø  Join your local neighbourhood support group and make a difference in your community

Ø  Participate in community events and activities

Our common purpose is to create safe and caring neighbourhoods and communities, reducing the incidences and effects of criminal offending, building community networks to improve the quality of life and enhance wellbeing.

Working closely with Police and many organisations in our community, we promote and support the development of Neighbourhood Support Groups.

Starting a Neighbourhood Support Group is easy! 

Contact: Nina Barton


Cell: 021 20 21 303



The street contact has a dual role:

1.     Being the contact point for information distribution for crime prevention.

2.    Being the contact for information on the needs of the group in a civil defence emergency and relay information from civil defence back to group members.


In the event of a Civil Defence emergency the first 24hrs will be challenging and confusing. People will try to contact family and friends, survey damage and organise themselves. Some may need plumbers, doctors etc so it’s important that the street contact speaks with members of his/her group as soon as possible to assess their needs. The KDC Emergency Management group will have a community response plan to action and your group’s needs and requests need to be collected and passed on to them. Their role is to coordinate and provide resources and assistance, welfare and medical needs i.e. Ambulances, plumbers, electricians, Police, safe haven etc and to keep people informed.


Our role as Street Contacts (after ensuring the safety of your own family) is to:

Ø  Make contact with each member of your NS group as soon as reasonably possible


Ø  Check what assistance may be required


Ø  Help to organise assistance


Ø  Advise KDC Emergency Management of your group's status and requirements


Ø  Remain or appoint a contact for your group to receive and pass on vital communications to/from KDC Emergency Management


Keep your group informed on the role you play in the event of a serious disaster so they understand what you are doing and why. It will help to make things easier and smoother. Have regular group meetings and get to know the resources of your own group. Do you have a plumber, carpenter, nurse etc for example. Do you have any vulnerable members of your group with specific medical issues, has anyone got a generator or trailer that might be utilised for instance.

       In case of an emergency please dial 111 


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